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2024-12-26 20:24:30 +08:00
# Notion-Hugo
Notion-Hugo allows you to use [Notion]( as your CMS and deploy your pages as a static website with [Hugo]( So you have the full power of Notion for creating new content, with Hugo and its wonderful [ecosystem of themes]( take care of the rest for you.
Notion-Hugo deploys your website to Cloudflare Pages, which has a generous free tier and is easy to set up. Notion-Hugo also uses [Functions]( and [KV]( to power your website. Register a [Cloudflare account]( and be ready to go.
## Get Started
### Create a new GitHub repository from this template
Click the green **Use this template** button in the upper-right corner to create your repo from this template. Choose **public** for the repository visibility.
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<img width="382" alt="Use this template button" src="">
### Create a Notion integration
Visit [my integrations]( and login with your Notion account.
Click on **Create new integration** to create a new internal integration.
<img width="891" alt="Create new integration" src="">
In the capabilities section, select **Read Content** and **Read user information including email address**. The **Read Content** permission is necessary for Notion-Hugo to pull your Notion content, and the **Read user information including email address** permission is used to fill front matters with author information. Notion-Hugo does not collect any of your information.
<img width="891" alt="Setup capabilities" src="">
Click the submit button to finish creating the Notion integration.
### Setup secrets for GitHub Action
Copy the Internal Integration Token.
<img width="816" alt="Copy the Internal Integration Token" src="">
Navigate to the GitHub repo you just created, click on **Settings** -> **Secrets** -> **Actions**.
Click the **New Repository Secret** button on the top right.
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<img width="1148" alt="Setup secrets for GitHub Action" src="">
Add a new secret with name `NOTION_TOKEN`, paste the copied token into the secret field. Click the green **Add secret** button to save the change.
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<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" width="824" srcset="">
<img width="824" alt="Add secret NOTION_TOKEN" src="">
### Duplicate the Notion Template
Duplicate this [Notion Template](
) into your own workspace.
### Add connection to the Notion Page
Visit the page you just duplicated, click the ellipsis button on the top right and add the integration you just created as a connection.
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<source width="553" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="">
<img width="553" alt="Add connection to the Notion Page" src="">
### Configure you Hugo site
On the page you just shared with the integration, click on the **share** button again, then click the **Copy link** button on the bottom right to copy the link to this page.
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<source width="528" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="">
<img width="539" alt="Copy link" src="">
Now navigate back to your GitHub repository, open the `notion-hugo.config.ts` file, click to edit the file.
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<img width="379" alt="Edit the file on GitHub" src="">
Replace the `page_url` with the link you just copied.
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<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" width="779" srcset="">
<img width="779" alt="Replace page_url" src="">
Click the commit changes button at the bottom to save the file.
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<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" width="779" srcset="">
<img width="779" alt="Commit changes" src="">
### Deploy to Cloudflare Pages
Navigate to the [Cloudflare Pages]( dashboard, click the **Workers & Pages** tab on the left, then click the **Create** button, then select the **Pages** tab, and click the **Connect to Git** button. Choose Notion-Hugo from the repository list, then click the **Begin Setup** button.
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<img width="2559" alt="Edit the file on GitHub" src="">
Fill in the build settings as follows:
- Build command: `npm install; npm start; hugo`
- Build output directory: `public`
- Environment variables:
- `HUGO_VERSION`: `0.140.0` (fill in the latest version of Hugo here)
- `NODE_VERSION`: `22.12.0` (fill in the latest version of Node.js here)
- `NOTION_TOKEN`: `secret_token` (fill in the token you copied from the Notion integration)
Click the **Save and Deploy** button to deploy your website.
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<img width="2559" alt="Edit the file on GitHub" src="">
Now we need to add a KV namespace for the Cloudflare Functions. Navigate to the **Storage & Database** tab on the left, then click the **KV** tab, then click the **+ Create** button to create a new namespace. You can name it whatever you like.
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<img width="2559" alt="Edit the file on GitHub" src="">
Now, navigate to **Workers & Pages** > **your_project** > **Settings** > **Bindings**, add a new **KV Namespace** binding, with **Variable name** set to `KV` and the **KV namespace** set to the namespace you just created. Click the **Save** button to save the changes.
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<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" width="2559" srcset="">
<img width="2559" alt="Edit the file on GitHub" src="">
Finally, we need to configure the baseURL. Visit the **Deployments** tab to check the domain of your website (in this case, it is ``).
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<img width="2559" alt="Edit the file on GitHub" src="">
Navigate back to your GitHub repository, change the `base_url` in [`notion-hugo.config.ts`]( to the domain of your website. Also update the `baseURL` in [`config/_default/config.toml`]( to this value. Click the commit changes button at the bottom to save the file.
Congratulations! Your website is now live at the domain you just configured.
### Next steps
Pick a [Hugo theme]( you like, and add it to your repository. You can customize the theme to your liking.
Use a custom domain for your website. You can add a custom domain in the Cloudflare Pages dashboard. See the [Cloudflare documentation]( for more information. The baseURL needs to be updated after changing the domain.
## FAQ
### Does Notion-Hugo sync with my Notion?
Yes. By default Notion-Hugo syncs with your Notion every midnight. Any updated content will be committed to the repository. You can change the schedule in the `.github/workflows/cd.yml` file.
name: CD
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
### How do I manually sync with Notion?
You can trigger the CD workflow manually by navigating to the **Actions** tab in your repository, then click the **CD** workflow, then click the **Run workflow** button to trigger the workflow.